What Is Trigger Point Dry Needling?
Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) is a Physical Therapy treatment that utilizes thin filament needles to make changes in myofascial trigger points. Myofascial trigger points can contribute to pain and decreased muscle functions. TDN is an effective tool and the hands of Physical Therapist who manages soft tissue injuries, disorders or pain. TDN utilizes very fine acupuncture needles to “shut down” painful areas in the muscles. This causes the muscles to contract and then produce immediate and long lasting relaxation. TDN is particularly effective when used as part of a manual Physical Therapy treatment approach.
What TDN Can Do
- TDN is used only to augment evidence based therapy and does not replace it. Often, TDN allows patients to more effectively perform their therapy services.
- Resolved Chronic issues, particularly in individuals who are dealing with chronic pain.
- Allows patients to perform daily tasks, attend work, and participate in normal activities without pain.
- Initial responses are often seen immediately.
What To Expect
During treatment, patients may feel a cramping sensation, but then feel immediate improvement of their symptoms. TDN can significantly decrease or completely reduce spontaneous electrical activity causing muscle dysfunction. TDN has been shown to improve range of motion, decrease pain, and improve muscle function.
Common Conditions That Respond Well To TDN Therapy
Upper Extremity Conditions
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfers Elbow
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
Lower Extremity Conditions
- Patellar Femoral Syndrome
- Patellar Tendonitis
- Hamstring Strain
- Groin Strain
- Shin Splint
- Compartment Syndrome
- Achilles Tendonitis
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