Bridging the Gap
We have over 20 years of experience in integrating healthcare and fitness that focuses on much more than simply treating an injury or changing your appearance! In addtion to treating an injury we address the process of ageing to allow anyone to begin or safely continue a critically needed health and fitness program.
We train our doctors and physical therapists beyond that of their traditional, respective education to assist our clients in transitioning between various states of health and injury and back again ensuring continual maximal health achievement!
Upper and lower extremity arthritis care consisting of education in joint protection principals and home exercise instruction.
Detailed musculoskeletal examination to pinpoint the physiological origin of the problem with construction of a highly customized treatment approach targeting these findings.
Biomechanical analysis of the foot during weight bearing assists in treatment planning. Orthotics are available for pronation-related syndromes if indicated.
Traumatic injuries or chronic pain conditions are treated following thorough assessment and determination of underlying causes of pain.
Similar to acupuncture, dry needling is an alternative medicine technique used for intramuscular stimulation.
Traumatic falls or pre and post partum laxity are treated with gentle mobilization and muscle strengthening to provide long term relief.
Utilizing modalities, manual, and exercise techniques we address comprehensive hand and elbow disorders.
Back pain, joint replacements, arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc. Many patients benefit greatly from one on one aquatic rehabilitation in an unweighted environment.
We utilize protective taping techniques and a dynamic progression of return to sports to ensure a complete recovery and full return to athletics following injury.
We focus on the employees injury as well as the job to ensure re-injury does not occur.
We offer VirtueSense, Solo Step and Gait Better programs to help with stability.
Our insurance and billing specialists are experts in assisting you in the process of billing your medical insurance. We utilize the “direct access” billing model to provide care to our clients and have expertise in determining your specific insurance requirements with regards to physical therapy treatment. When necessary, our specialists work with your doctor’s office in obtaining all documentation required for maximizing your insurance payments. We accept most insurance’s as well as workers compensation and auto insurance as forms of payments. Our team is also experts at maximizing your treatments while minimizing your cost in the event you do not have insurance coverage! No matter the situation, we’ll solve it ensuring your complete recovery and progress on your road to health!
Benefits of Aquatics Exercise:
Pain relieving viscosity and warmth of water provides an excellent source of resistance, assistance, and joint support.
Water exerts equal pressure on all body parts of the body that are immersed in it. This allows an unstable person to hold and maintain an upright position and improves circulation.
The density of water provides resistance to movements that would be more easily accomplished outside the water environment.
Decreased loading reduces discomfort of the joints.
Diagnoses successfully treated by a physical therapist.
Modalities and treatments we perform.
Note: This is a general list. If you have any specific questions as to whether physical therapy would be beneficial for a particular condition please feel free to call anytime at 270-781-1151.
Experience unrivaled access to a support system comprised of licensed TFC Physical Therapist and Fitness Professionals. Stop by the facility anytime for a tour, and a free workout!
Questions? Contact us at:
You have complete access to an advanced health care and fitness concept designed to help you keep active. This uniqueness sets TFC apart from traditional physical rehabilitation clinics as well as common fitness gyms.